"Meg" by Steve Alten is a gripping adventure that takes readers on a heart-pounding journey into the depths of the Pacific Ocean, where a prehistoric terror lurks. Having revisited the novel decades after its initial release in 1997, I found it to be an exhilarating and timeless read, standing out as a fun romp and a definite page-turner. The story centers around Jonas Taylor, a paleontologist with a haunting encounter in the Pacific Ocean's deepest canyon. Face-to-face with the colossal Carcharodon megalodon, the largest predator in the history of the animal kingdom, Taylor becomes the sole survivor of a top-secret dive. However, plagued by disbelief and labeled as a crackpot with post-traumatic stress disorder, he struggles to prove the existence of the prehistoric Meg. What makes "Meg" truly stand out is its departure from the movie versions, offering a fresh and exciting experience for fans who may have been introduced to the story through film adaptat...