"Caveat Emptor" by Devon De'ath takes readers on a unique journey through time and the intriguing life of David Holmes, a Dorset estate agent whose career becomes entwined with the enigmatic Meoria Grange. The book challenges the conventional expectations of a haunted house narrative, offering a more profound exploration of human experiences and the impact of a place on an individual. The story unfolds with a captivating question: Can a house have a soul? The narrative then follows David Holmes, spanning three decades of his career as an estate agent for Meoria Grange, a manor with a rich history dating back to the English Civil War. The author skillfully weaves historical elements into the narrative, transporting readers through time and providing glimpses into the changing world around David. The strength of "Caveat Emptor" lies in its character development. David Holmes is a well-fleshed-out protagonist, and the author delves into the complexities of hi...