"Last Days" by Adam Nevill takes readers on a chilling journey with Kyle Freeman, a guerrilla documentary maker hired to create a film about the Temple of the Last Days. This notorious cult, infamous for a horrific massacre in 1975 and rumored occult rituals, is led by the enigmatic Sister Katherine. As Kyle delves into the cult's dark history, he films various locations tied to the group and seeks interviews with former members. However, as he uncovers more about the Temple, the bizarre and unsettling events begin to spiral out of control. Nevill's talent for creating tense atmospheres is evident in this novel, just as it was in his previous work, "The Ritual." The author has a knack for crafting scenes that genuinely get under your skin, making you feel the creeping dread alongside the protagonist. The supernatural elements and eerie settings are masterfully depicted, enhancing the horror and suspense that permeate the story. However, the book's...