In the fogbound coastal town of Kurouzu-cho, a curse like no other lurks. This isn't a curse tied to a malevolent spirit or a vengeful ghost, but rather to a shape—a spiral. Shuichi Saito, the withdrawn boyfriend of teenager Kirie Goshima, believes that their town is haunted by this very pattern, the uzumaki . As the spiral tightens its grip on the town, its horrifying influence begins to unravel the lives and sanity of its inhabitants. Junji Ito's Uzumaki is a bizarre and terrifying masterpiece of horror manga, now available in a single deluxe volume that promises to pull readers into a whirlpool of terror. After taking a break from my usual reading, I decided to dive into Uzumaki , a manga that had been recommended to me in a reading group. It's been a while since I ventured into the world of manga, and this seemed like a perfect choice to reacquaint myself with the genre. Uzumaki certainly stands out in its artistic execution. Junji Ito's artwork is hauntingly ...