Siege: The Boy in the Iron Box continues to deliver high-stakes tension in its latest installment, Siege, penned by Guillermo del Toro. Book five shifts into overdrive as the mercenaries, led by the steadfast Liev, initiate a daring and explosive plan to end the terror that has haunted them since the series began. The stakes are raised even higher, with del Toro expertly crafting an atmosphere where every decision, every misstep, could mean the difference between life and death. What makes this book stand out is the psychological depth woven into the action-packed narrative. Liev's vow not to abandon his team adds a compelling emotional layer to the story, balancing the external threats with the internal conflicts brewing among the mercenaries. The tension within the group, fraying morale, and Liev's mounting fear create a ticking time bomb—one that's just as dangerous as the enemies they face. As always, del Toro excels in his world-building, maintaining the series...