Keep The Doctor Away by James Caine is a gripping, fast-paced thriller that plays with the tension of isolation, secrecy, and paranoia. The story follows Lily Parker, whose life takes a dark turn when her husband accepts a prestigious position as the new plastic surgeon at Northwind Clinic, a secluded island facility for the rich and famous. From the moment she arrives, Lily feels that something is off, and her suspicions grow as she’s watched by cameras, guarded by security, and surrounded by tall walls that trap her in this mysterious place.
Caine builds suspense as Lily's unease escalates, and the
death of a clinic worker only deepens the sense of foreboding. The whispered
warning from the dying woman—“You shouldn’t have come here”—launches
Lily into a web of questions about the true nature of Northwind Clinic and the
people around her.
While the plot is engaging and keeps readers turning the
pages, it's not entirely plausible, often feeling like a plot-driven roller
coaster rather than a nuanced, character-focused narrative. There are moments
where you might think you're watching a Lifetime movie in book form:
suspenseful, dramatic, but at times, lacking depth or realism. Nevertheless,
the novel delivers in terms of entertainment, making it an easy and satisfying
read for anyone who enjoys light thrillers with a hint of psychological tension.
If you’re looking for a thriller that will keep you engaged
without requiring too much suspension of disbelief, Keep The Doctor Away
might just be the perfect beach read or weekend escape.
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